Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Lorax Facepalmed

Part of...well, any political whatever ought to, at least, involve a goal, and, you know, doing things that get you closer to that goal.

Which is why the whole bit about allowances for pollutions for companies and things pisses me off so egregiously. If the goal is to reduce emissions, how exactly does telling companies the goal-- without telling them how to go about it, but that they can trade pollution allowances with cleaner companies-- accomplish this? We're talking real reality, not a Sim City type, where the friendly AI could pop up a message, "sorry, you can't make any more Thneeds, you have reached your Emissions Limit for this quarter :)"

One must always keep in mind the oft forgotten fact that government does not exist to ensure that companies continually turn a profit. And while forced shut-downs of non-essential businesses who fail to live up to responsibility standards may be extreme, it is a more serious solution to the stated problem than what is on the table thusfar.

This all, of course, assumes that the stated goal is desirable. But if it is, let's bloody well take it seriously, by cracky.

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